Saturday, May 23, 2020

Statement of Purpose for a Cancer Biology Application Essay

My love and passion for Animal Medicine and Health guided my choice in pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Medicine from the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Qassim University. Having chosen a specialization in Veterinary Medicine, coupled with a higher academic performance with a GPA of 3.82/5, I will be completing my Master degree from the University of Rhode Island in Medical laboratory Science with a bias in Cytopathology in 2014. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for my master degree, I did a research on Testicular Cancer. In particular, I have studied Seminoma, in which I have critically examined the different variants of seminomas in all of their stages of development, through a presentation of†¦show more content†¦In order to achieve the requirements necessary to meet my future goals in the field of cancer biology, there is a compulsory need for me to engage in a comprehensive research work in various aspects of cancer biology. Compelled by the desire to quench my thirst in research work, I have taken a critical look at your areas of your research activities in cancer biology for quite a long time. I have therefore chosen to register my interest to study under your supervision. I am very aware of your strong reputation, which has served to deepen my interest in becoming a member of your team. Having secured an internship at the Animal Hospital at Qassim University, I performed and assisted in small and large animal surgery as well as assisted on farm calls and handled after-hours large-animal emergencies. Furthermore, I also believe that your university is the right place to realize my dreams. Based on my Veterinary Medicine and Cytopathology backgrounds, I believe I will make a successful applicant for a PhD program in your highly reputable institution. Given a chance, I will use the opportunity to exploit my full potential, to improve and enhance my educational accomplishments under your kind control. As a Teaching Assistant from Qassim University, SA, the University has given me a full scholarship to pursue my studies for a PhD degree. The scholarship will cover all my expenses and tuition for theShow MoreRelatedStem Cell Research And The Medical Field Essay1736 Words   |  7 Pagessuch as regular, cancer, embryonic and adult (Jun Zhang et al. 2). This brings up ethical concerns: whether destroying the embryo is worth stem cell research/ transplantation (Jun Zhang et al. 3). The purpose of this literature review is to gain further knowledge on the benefits of stem cell research, and how it can bring new innovations into the medical field. Stem cell development continues to rapidly grow through research, which has unraveled its possible benefits in organs, cancer, neurologic andRead MorePersonal Statement Of Purpose By Mr. Thomas H. 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