Monday, May 11, 2020
Motivation and Self-efficacy - 1855 Words
The Concept Analysis of Self-Efficacy Lori Lincoln, RN, BSN Theoretical Foundations of Practice NUR/513 Dr. Sharon Pontious University of Phoenix May 19, 2005 The Concept of Self-Efficacy Self-efficacy, for the purpose of this study, may be defined as a persons optimistic self-belief. This is the belief that a person can develop the skills to perform new or difficult tasks to cope with changes in health and functioning. When a person perceives self-efficacy, it will facilitate goal-setting, effort, investment, persistence, overcoming obstacles and recovery from disappointments and failures. It can be regarded as a positive outlook or proactive way to handle stress factors. It is the ability to successfully cope with health changes, and†¦show more content†¦Self-efficacy is concerned with a persons estimate of their personal capabilities. Successful performance of a behavior leading to a positive experiences leads to a high level of self-efficacy, failures diminish the level of self-efficacy. Antecedent conditions or precursors to self-efficacy include social experiences, learning experiences, and perceived ability to change or co ntrol the outcome of their condition. This may occur through situational behavior, learning behaviors, and experiential learning. The experience of being successful improves self-efficacy. Repeating the action and obtaining positive outcomes improve the motivation to preserve the behavior. Mastery of these behaviors and experiences give confidence to an individual in their self-efficacy and their ability to control their outcomes. Failures in the same experiences will lower ones level of self-efficacy. Consequences are the acquired skill and self-confidence created by a successful change in behavior affecting a positive change in outcomes. Through the practice of self-efficacy one can increase their confidence, desire, willingness to act, risk taking of new behaviors, and pride in their outcomes. Failures in these areas due to lost opportunities or hesitancy to actively change behaviors and try new activities will result in a low self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is a mechanism th at explains an individuals behavior and perceived capabilityShow MoreRelatedThe Motivation And Self Efficacy Of Struggling Learners1067 Words  | 5 Pagestheir peers, due to the negative consequences they experience from underachieving (Hojati Abbasi, 2013). In order to build the motivation and self-efficacy of struggling learners, these individuals need to set short-term goals that are specific and achievable (Margolis McCabe, 2004). In this study, the effects of short-term goal setting among the motivation, self-efficacy, academics, and behaviors of special education middle school students were measured. 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With Bandura’s concepts of self-regulation / self-efficacy, and Weiner’s concept of attribution as driving mechanisms for motivation in individual cognition and behavior, the two theorists recognize and have identified an internal adaptable operating system. Peering into their suggested theories, identifying specific components of their associated concepts, and reviewing viewpoints on drives for motivation, Bandura’sRead More High-Fidelity Human Patient Simulation (HPS) Essay examples1106 Words  | 5 Pagespatient simulation (HPS), a strategy that combines technology with a human body mannequin. Many nursing educators have embraced this type of technology as it offers a means of facilitating cognitive, affective, and psy chomotor outcomes. Self-efficacy and motivation are two variables to learning that lead to academic success. 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Outcome expectations hypothesize â€Å"about the results that future actions are likely to bring†(Omrod, 2016, p. 119). Efficacy Expectations are the â€Å"beliefs about whether they themselves can execute particular behavi ors successfully
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