Tuesday, November 19, 2019

An Analysis of Greasy lake by T. Coraghessan Boyle Essay

An Analysis of Greasy lake by T. Coraghessan Boyle - Essay Example The events unfold when the protagonist and his friends are looking for fun and excitement and mistakenly identify a car parked at Greasy Lake as belonging to their friend Tony. Deciding to play a joke on him they honk and shine lights at the other car and upon the discovery that it doesn’t belong to their friend they find themselves in the middle of a fight, with a character much tougher and seemingly more bad, during which out of fear and desperation the narrator strikes the man with a iron and assumes that he has killed him. Inflamed by the almost ritualistic murder of the man the boys violently lash out on his girlfriend with the intention to rape her. They are caught in the act due to the arrival of another car and escape by hiding out in the lake where he "blundered into something. Something unspeakable, obscene, something soft, wet, moss-grown" (129). It turned out to be a corpse.

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